Menschen mit körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderungen
Menschen mit körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderungen

Target group

We try to find suitable activities for everyone, regardless of their disability. All people are different and everyone has different needs! Together we will always find a good solution – also for you! This makes a barrier-free summer holiday in nature and in the mountains, even with disabilities, a very special experience.

Possible disabilities:
No matter which impairment, whether amputations, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury (paraplegia, spina bifida,…), multiple sclerosis, muscle dystrophy, visual impairment, learning disability, head injury or any other impairment – you will find in our offer the holiday best suited for you.

We offer some holiday weeks especially for a certain target group. This gives you the opportunity to spend your holidays with like-minded people and make new friends, e.g. our holiday camps for young people and young adults. We offer these specifically for people with a learning disability and separately for people with a purely physical disability.

Du verfügst über ein geringes Einkommen, kannst dir keinen Urlaub leisten und
würdest trotzdem gerne bei uns mit dabei sein und Abenteuer in der Natur erleben oder die Skipiste hinuntersausen?
Dann schreib uns ein kurzes Email an und bewirb dich für einen Gutschein im Wert von € 1.000,-.

Nähere Infos: